Certified Family mediator

A Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator

Seek resolution without a court battle.

Mediation is a process for resolving disputes that allows parties, with the help of a mediator, to come to an agreement on contended issues. A Florida Supreme Court certified mediator conducts the mediation according to rules and statutes requiring mediators to:

  • Remain neutral – not biased toward either party
  • Not force either party into an agreement
  • Always work for the mutual good of the parties. 

Open and confidential communications

Mediation opens lines of communication and allows parties to explore all settlement options in order to resolve disputes. Everything said during mediation is confidential and (except as provided by law) may not be repeated to anyone other than the other party and/or the party’s attorney.  Mediation gives parties more control over the outcome of their case, normally allows the case to be resolved sooner, and can save on the overall expense involved in the case. 

Certified Mediator

Conference Room Rental for Mediation Sessions

At our office is a small conference room for rent. The room accommodates up to 6-8 people Please call for availability.

COST:  $50/hour with 3 hour minimum